inexpressible and filled with glory

This Corner of the World

Katherine and I have an older missionary couple who live in our street. Graham occasionally does a bread run and brings us a whole bag full of bread at the end of it. He brought us a bag this week – it contained fresh bread rolls, two lovely loaves of bread and a cinnamon topped fruit loaf. Katherine and I have been eating this for breakfast and it has just been lovely.

Graham and his wife are so excited about our ministry with Voice of the Martyrs. Although we haven’t had the opportunity yet, he has asked us to come up for dinner one night to share about our experiences, to fellowship and to pray to the Lord of the harvest.

Just down the road from us is another young Christian couple who are in ministry. They are kind, Godly, generous, sincere with a deep love for the Lord. They collected our mail while we were overseas and have been so supportive of our ministry, and so hospitable whenever I have been around there. I was talking to Nathaniel a while ago, and he was pointing out to me that there are quite a few key Christian leaders in our neighbourhood. Together, we could have a really strategic impact for the gospel in our small corner of Faulconbridge.

Corridor of Oaks - Faulconbridge

I wonder what it would take to mobilize us for mission in our neighbourhood? We are believers from different churches and different backgrounds, with different commitments. Perhaps the first step is to get us all together, to get on mission, and to start praying for our neighbours.

What would you do in this situation?